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Old 08-10-2003, 11:07 PM   #8
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Eaglelox, I have a pretty much complete A/C system from just behind the vent registers through to the pulleys. The a/c was not working when I removed it, but the fan blower and heather worked. I imagine the compressor is out.

This system will also include all of the duckt work, vacuum actuators under the dash and dash control panel. Evaporator, dryer, condensor, compressor, clutch, pulley, and probably several other support items I just can't think of now.

I'm replacing this system with a 'Vintage Aire' under dash system.

If your interested, I'll pull together all the parts, lay them out and send a pic.
'75 Blazer RAT 4X4 "BLAZIN" - Custom frame off

Here's the website I'm uploading pics to: Greg's frame off project
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