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Old 09-02-2011, 09:19 PM   #16
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Re: what would YOU offer for this (very original 54)

Thanks Rude Dude, I will look into it!

Handfull, I already AM one of those "I should've bought it when I had the chance" guys... Ha! Look at the 55.1 below - passed on it for $6K. And that's after driving from Washington DC to TN to look at it, and back, all in one day.

However, the real issue is shipping. IF I were to pay that guy full price for his truck - $8500 - I might as well be paying $12500 because that is what I will have in it even if I retire from here - before I ever turn one wrench on it (ship it here, then to next/final destination). If that is not the final destination, then it'll cost me another $1500-$2000 every time almost. I've tried cheaper shippers and been severely burned by their incompetence (Angels Moving Autos - yeah, they come to mind...) The truck is worth the asking price, no doubt, the price of getting it here and dragging it around becomes too high. Also, if I didn't have another project, then it'd be a no-brainer and I'd drag it wherever I go - but have too many, so gotta be realistic (and I hate being realistic!)

The other reason is this - the fact that I passed on the blue 55.1 below - and then found this nice 54 a year later, tells me that although they are hard to find, they are findable (or at least that's what I'm tellin myself). So when I do retire and settle somewhere - I can probably find one - and if it's not local, I'll only pay for shipping once, ever, and it'll come home to a barn on day 1. I've moved 16 times in the past 23 years, so gettin a little long in the tooth. Don't get me wrong, I do hate to pass this one up, really do, but there will always be other fish in the sea. In a few years, this one will probably be a few more thou, but at least if/when I find it or the next one, I won't add 50% to the price for shipping it all over the place.

Moorpark - I was driving thru there yesterday! Really nice area!
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