Thread: Freddy's '52
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Old 09-03-2011, 07:51 AM   #223
RootBeer 6117
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Re: Freddy's '52

Originally Posted by watahyahknow View Post
couldnt you adapt the hunter setup to get it farther off the wheels and clear the bottom of the spoiler that way
you should be able to make it fit by using some roundbar and a lathe to make 4 extentions
I can probably slide the heads down on the wheel clamps and get the beam under the fenders, but in order to measure caster I have to turn the wheel 10 degrees left then right that's were I run into losing the beams. I ran a bear systems for 25 years and it had the same issues.
I did a lot in my early years with a toe bar or tape measure,I would scribe a line down the center of the tire and measure off it and used a magnetic hub gauge on the wheel bearing flange that would measure caster and camber. I kept it because I didn't trust the new computer system and would double check it or when we had a bad storm it knocked out the bear system.
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