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Old 09-03-2011, 05:48 PM   #7
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Re: Tips or tricks to swapping trail and panard bar bushing?

If you dont want to take the arms off, be very carefull. Lift the whole rear off of the ground, put jack stands under the frame, REMOVE AT LEAST ONE SHOCK BOLT ON EACH SHOCK, lower the truck until the axle is hanging, put a jack under the axle to support it. It's easier to remove the tires, you dont have to lift it as high.

This will remove any stored energy from the springs. Springs can be very deadly when under load.

Then remove the two front swingarm bolts and tip it down to the floor. Like stated above, burning them out is much easier. Heat the surrounding steel until the rubber starts burning, then push them out with a punch, or bar. Be careful, the burning rubber will splatter and burn your skin for a long time. There is no way to wipe it off, or cool it down quickly. Clean out the bores, and install new bushings.
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