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Old 09-03-2011, 08:31 PM   #14
Sweet 72
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Re: 1972 Custom Deluxe Suburban Barn Yard Find w/o the Barn.

I need some input. Two things... I found a shop here in Bend that will install a Belltech lowering kit 710SP (2" drop coils, and four shocks), with a 4100 rear coil Rite Air Bag (two 4" drop coils with Rite air bags inside them), with Front alignment, and thrust angle alignment for $1286.00. Good buy or not a good buy?

Also I need some suggestions on tires sizes. I've decided to go with the original 15x8" steel wheels. I don't have any experience with tire sizes on two wheel drive vehicles. I'm wanting something that I can still use for towing my trailer, but have a good look as well. I'm hoping to fill the wheel well up a little bit as well (hence the lowering kit). So far I've been recommended the 235/75/15 size. With the burb lowered I'm hoping to have the top of the wheel wells close to the top of the tires.

Any help would be appreciated. Input or pictures. Thanks
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