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Old 09-06-2011, 12:05 PM   #3
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Location: Georgia
Posts: 69
Re: problem fitting Spectra CU730 radiator

I would think that if your aftermarket radiator manufacturer didn't provide or doesn't have the brackets you need, then you might be on your own.

When I bought my new radiator from Summit Racing here in GA, I was shocked at the number of models that were available.

You may need to get creative with a trip to a hardware store. I know I can buy metal in short pieces to make brackets and such (I had to make a small piece to reattach the throttle bracket to the new Vortec intake manifold. The bolt holes were different.

Anyway, since it is an aftermarket radiator, you may have a hard time finding brackets from anyone else other than Spectra. Good luck with it.
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