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Old 09-06-2011, 04:47 PM   #9
Dan Bowles
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Blissfield, MI
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Re: How do you turn the engine over manually?

Not sure on the GMC motors but if you notice on the same era Chevies there is a 1" or so hole in the splash apron behind the grille. They still had the ability to use the hand cranks of old. I happen to have one from an IH Super C that fit in pretty good. It is a 16 mm bar with a pin through the end. It is the same as an old Ford jack wrench my employer used to produce. I use ours now and again and have cranked over our 1 1/2 ton '49 with a 235 to verify the valves weren't stuck! Never tried to crank start one, just turn it over.
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