On a positive note, I got my garage cleaned up and ready to get the bed off (almost). Unfortunately, I still have too much **** laying around, so I'm going to use a chunk of my budget to build shelves all along one side of the garage. I currently have no shelves except for my bench, and a crappy closet style one the previous owner mounted about 1 foot from the ceiling. Once the shelves are done and I can move a lot of the stuff onto them, I should have all the room I need. Some of the crap can go in the garden shed, too.
I picked up decent 2x4, 2x6 and some plywood scraps dumpster diving in the new neighborhood going up near my brother's house, so I might be able to start on the shelves soon. Depends if my wife gets her way, she wants me to build a cat house for our outside cat...