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Old 09-07-2011, 08:42 PM   #1
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chevy 250 leaking oil

Hey guys my chevy 250 smog motor has devloped an oil leak since ive had it. I replaced the side cover gaskits and they leaked worse. So i replaced the gaskits with RTV silicone and that cleared up alot of the leaking. But now it is almost what I would call "spraying" oil all over the passengers side of the engine bay. the motor is wetist down by the fuel pump. Ive also replaced the valve cover gaskit, the pcv valve is good becouse cant that cause an engine to push oil out. It is very puzzling leak have eny of yall seen enything like this? I would realy like to clear this up becouse its not very economical to add a quart once a week.
thanks guys
77 chevy BIG 10 350/sm465/12bolt w 3.73 bout 240 horse power NO power steerin
79 chevy 1/2 ton 250/three on the tree/3.08s soon to get built 250/floor shift conversion/3.08s
81 mercedes 300d 25 MPG
77 chevy BIG DOOLEY 454/sm-465/14 bolt 4.10s "fully loaded"
73 plymouth duster 225 slant six/230 3 speed/8 1/4 trying to acheve 300 horse six
'77 chevy trucks. built to stay tough.
life is short build a hot rod

Last edited by big10ratrod77; 09-07-2011 at 08:48 PM.
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