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Old 09-07-2011, 11:25 PM   #8
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Re: Temperature guage question?

Originally Posted by landsurvey1 View Post
It sounds like the sensor is in the correct place. I have noticed some guys put it on the intake, but I think the temp. gauge would show the engine a little cooler there.
I moved the coolant temp guage and put it in the intake. I drove the truck 25 miles. On the freeway it stays a little bit in front of the middle mark. As soon as i stop it starts to climb. So i let it climb until the fans kicked on. I then shut the truck off and measured all areas. I measured radiator/ hoses/ heads/ temp sensor. Nothing was over 200 degrees.

Im going to just buy an aftermarket guage and mount it in the stock location. I need to see what the heck is going on.. If the water was 240 degrees wouldnt it overheat or the hoses get hotter then 190 and 185?

Originally Posted by MagmaJct View Post
Check your coolant level.

I didn't see where you stated the fan thermostat is located. If the coolant level is low, and your fan thermostat is in the radiator, then it won't come on because it needs heated water from the engine to sense the temp.
Coolant level is topped. Fan thermostat? I have a fan switch that turns my fans on and its located in the intake manifold. My fans come on fine. Its the guage im having issues with.
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