Originally Posted by OrrieG
I think you need to pull the front clip if you are doing suspension work. The fenders, inner fenders, radiator support, radiator and grill all come off by removing the front bumper, 2 rad support bolts, fender bolt at top, fender brace bolt at bottom, inner panel bolts at fire wall and bottom back fender bolts. 10 bolts total, remember to count the shims (take pictures) so the alignment stays the same. Forgot you need to pull the hood brackets, if they were lined up correctly drill 1/8" pilot holes before removal so it goes back the same. Two or three people can lift the whole "dog house" off. Also makes all the lower engine stuff easier to fab or work on. Tape the exposed painted edges with blue tape for protection. Also some wiring connectors at fire wall and head/turnsignals to disconnect.
This front end can't come off on her truck. On a normal truck you could do as you describe but on this truck the lower fenders are not bolted on they are welded, almost every seam is filled, don't know with what the lower pillars are welded, fiberglassed and bondoed together, not a bolt in site. It would be a major mess trying to take the fenders off her truck and then trying to get a paint match. I've seen the truck and she needs a suspension that can be installed with the fenders on.