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Old 09-08-2011, 06:17 AM   #3
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Re: chevy 250 leaking oil

All L6's leak (at least in my experience).

If it is getting oil on the passenger side inner fender, best bet is that the fan or balancer is throwing it there, which means your leak is up front. I would be looking at the timing cover, front seal in the timing cover (the most likely culprit), the valve cover seal at the very front (notorious for getting bent on reinstall), or the oil pan to timing cover joint. It is possible for the fuel pump gasket to leak, particularly if it's had a new pump and the gasket was not sealed properly. But if you have oil on the inner fenders it's most lilely the fan putting it there.

Best way to find an oil leak, clean everything up then spray it with foot powder, let it dry, then run the engine. Oil shows up real nice against the white powder, and the powder washes off easily.
1987 2 ton
1982 250/TH350 beater in progress
Dad's 1981 3/4 L6 3 on tree posi and no options, awaiting restoration or scrapping
Plus a mess o' tractors
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