Fluid Day. Oh Oh, Tranny Is A Fountain!!!
The P.O., who is a 20 year-long-plus friend, told me of the trans fluid spilling all over when he drove the truck home the 20 miles he had it before selling it to me. His son, a Certified GM Mechanic, said, "Usually", the TH350 leaks as a result of needing pan gaskets, or seals.
I bought filter, pan gasket and good seals. I had a guy who professed about 200 trans rebuilds to his credit put 'em in. I watched him, for whatever that was worth.
I had a new one piece drive shaft built that I haven't installed yet.
So, today, I put in six quarts of ATF. It was fine until 5 (I think). At least no leaks I saw. Then I put the last one in. I went away to do something else and heard a nasty waterfall sound. Looked under the truck (I didn't have to look too far) and say t. fluid pouring out of the rear of the trans. Now, I'm a rookie on transmissions. I don't know if the slip joint on the drive shaft is supposed to "hold back" fluid coming down the splines via the seal in the rear, or not. Seems unlikely.
I can't really tell for sure, but I think about a quart and a half poured on the floor... pouring off of the bottom of the spline until it was just a steady trickle and then stopped.
You guys could save me some time, money, and pain if you told me:
"You are an idiot. Hook up your drive shaft...and don't put any more ATF in there until you run it".
Or even, "Oh, oh. You're probably screwed. Pull the tranny and take it somewhere for a diagnosis...it's not supposed to puke out of back there."
Well, at least I got the master cylinder bench-bled and the hood primered today.
Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.