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Old 09-09-2011, 10:09 AM   #12
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Re: Reasonable price for short wheel base frame?

Originally Posted by hugger6933 View Post
G, in our area those are hard to find. I have been scouring the Little Rock C-list as well as the others in the state and surrounding areas for months and they are hard to find. The ones I have found were rolling with beds on them but for the most part they were useless. I found my truck frame two weeks ago by a man stopping by my shop and asking if I still needed one but it was the whole truck. Fortunatly I traded two used up car shells for it so I could'nt tell you what they are bringing right now, But I'd say that he's not out of line if you need it. If it is not rolling, maybe you could use the later model truck crossmember and rear to get 5 lug stuff. Jim
I already have good five lug stuff. Just wanting to go swb and start from frame up. Thanks for the info. If the guy still has is it I am going to pick it up on Sunday.
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