Mike ,
you're crazy
I would never have went back to that insulation stuff store.
I've been screwed a lot in my life , so if the guy at the shop is wrong in his price in my favour , screw'em ...
Another story about PITA's :
I went a few years back to the Yamaha store near my door to let change my drive chain on my XS650.
That woman leading the store took a look at my bike , looked at me : " We don't work at such wrecks , leave my shop right now..."
Me : " Why , my money stinks ? "
She : "No , my mechanics won't put their fingers on that , it's too dirty , we only work on newer bikes , sorry..."
I passed by a couple of months ago , it was closed , bankruptcy !
Screw'em !
PITA story 2 :
I know a guy who has a very rare car , a Ford V8 Comète , a french built car , rotting away in a prairie.
I asked him if he wanted to sell it to me , nope , no way , it's not for sale & it never will be.
That car is burying herself into the ground , it shall be now beyond restauration...
Screw'em !
PITA story 3 :
My ex "forgot" to pay her taxes for the year 99.
As we were married at that time & as she has no income for the moment , the tax office came by me to take the money : I'm f***ed for an amount of $7000.00 , that I never will recover
They tell me then : " That's the law"
Screw the law !
If I get the occasion to screw the state , I WILL !
The Baron