Thread: 6al issue
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Old 09-09-2011, 07:38 PM   #1
the pollock
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6al issue

hey yall.
just finally got the motor and all in..
wired, checked, double checked, and installed my 6al box. (was working when removed but ive had it shelved for a while)((its set up with the GM 4pin HEI)

so here's the deal. im not getting one bit of an attempt to get a start from this bad boy. and the coil ontop of my HEI is hotter then hell.. wtf?
im thinking i'll pull it out and put the parts back into my distro just to have a running car.

any input?

i swear. the wiring is dead on to the diagram.
coil is new. cap is new. rotor is new.. the only thing reused on this ordeal is dust cap for the coil... so..
what in the world should i be looking for?
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