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Old 09-11-2011, 06:27 AM   #8
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Re: Heres an idea for a sweet truck build.

Originally Posted by doubleb's69 View Post
All the feed back is great. Never thought of using a Dana 60 Special-K. Thats one beefy axel. I never knew that some 1/2 tons got them, I thought it was more of a mopar thing to be used in light applications. I think if someone actually did this truck it would be a pretty serious machine on the show circut (if done to look like it was bone stock). Stock being If I were going to build it the engine would at least have as many 70 LT1 externals, like a real Lt1 intake, the proper repop 780 cfm Holley, Finned valve covers, etc. When building this in my head I went as far as thinking up an advertisement and trying to figure out a way to make it fit into sales liturature and owners manuals. Not to pass it off as something real (because we all know how long that would last with the wise people on this site) but to show what if. For my own personal pleasure. I wasn't alive back then to get one of these trucks new. So I figured the next best thing would be to build one like I had all the money in the world and GM was glad to relieve me of it. Sorry for the long winded replys, this just gets my heart and mind going.
OK! when I win the lottery I'm comming over there and we'll build both options 350 & 454.
Great idea Bud.

An American living in a British body.

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