Thread: Brothers (sale)
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Old 09-11-2011, 10:31 AM   #3
LT1 Burb
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Re: Brothers (sale)

I wouldn't buy a repop bumper , they are crap. I have one on my suburban and if you are not careful it will slice your hand open when you are washing it , from all the sharp unfiled edges.The one on my truck is going to be changed. Also the chrome quality between the replated rear and the front is like night and day. I would definately spend the 300 to get a stock one replated. Also look on ebay, there is wood bed kits on there for 350ish , you don't get the stainless strips but I wouldn't trust those as repops either.Besides , Brothers isn't the best service or best place to do business. I have had numerous quality problems with there stuff and I won't even use them anymore.
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