Originally Posted by Tmwoodall
Is that black or super dark blue? I have planned to do mine a blue so dark it almost looks black. Can't tell which yours is.
Its SOO black, it looks blue in pictures.. ahah. Its black. I tried to find the BLACKEST black out there. Whats funny was at the car show there was this really nice fleetside. It was black, and she paid someone to build the truck for her. But you could see a light hint of brown in the paint. My wife noticed it. Mine is the blackest i have scene.. HOK is no joke.
Originally Posted by original-71
nice truck..
Why thank you.
Originally Posted by gearheads78
I always recheck every suspension bolt and all the brake line / fuel lines and all the engine hoses.
Great looking truck BTW.
Right rear brake line had a dribble. I replaced the junction but not the two rear older lines. Of course it leaks there. Checking the suspension and fuel now. Thanks.
Originally Posted by 70cst
Very nice...
thanks. I have never had a vehicle at a car show. Now, i dont know if this is the wrong thinking but i brought my truck to the car show just for people to see what i have done. I didnt build it to win anything. My "buddy" was givin me a hard time saying im going to the shows to just show off.... uhhh, i thought that was what they were for?? I go to see other ideas and hope people like what i did... in th eend though, it doesnt matter what they think as long as i like it.
Originally Posted by magwakeenercew2jh
Boy, oh, boy! I know what you mean. I kept telling myself whenever I built a truck, car, or bike, "Just look under it for puddles and drive (ride) it..."
But, whenever I stopped for more time than just a traffic light, I'd give it the complete "look under the chassis, look under the hood, look for air sucks, etc".
Seems like the more I looked for something, the more I'd find. But, mostly, stuff I WANTED TO CHANGE. Not stuff that was broken. Or that I had screwed up during the build.
Those seem to become obvious right away...usually to the ear or nose.
If I had the confidence to do it this way myself, I'd say, "Watch the gauges, look under it for puddles, and check (often at first) under the hood for juice where it doesn't belong."
Really nice truck, lyrikz.
HAHAHA. Man, that is so dead on. I drive about 20 miles to and from work. Stopped twice to check for leaks/ smoke/smells. ahah. First time i had some coolant out of the resevoir because i filled it all the way to the top and the radiator.. Ya, stupid i know, i just was really nervous. ahaha. Then my temp guage wouldnt work.. Got that fixed...
Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy
nice truck
Id suggest some centercaps of different color or something to break it up. You should be very proud!
Everyone who spoke to me about the truck loved the rims and couldnt figure out if the hood cowl was a sticker that i cleared over. Half didnt believe me that i painted it on. None of them believed me i didnt it in a garage with no booth. ahah.
Originally Posted by big_al_71
Al likes it...
Thanks al.
Originally Posted by CG
What, you didnt drive over to my house? Looks great, I bet its a great feeling. I bet you family is digging it too.
Kids love it.. And i will be right over. ahaha. Give me a call. I get off at 4, id love to come over and show you. Interior isnt done, but who cares.