Originally Posted by sinnersahuayo
i bought this style of pvc (spectre pcv valve breather 4284)
the vacuum gauge i saw the one for boost. is that alright to use. first am going to start with oem pcv if that does not work. going to buy the vacuum gauge and if still bad i am going to find a new engine. next question on the engine. what year would be a good chose.
sinner, it's not clear to me what you have. Are you saying that you don't yet have the PCV valve installed?
I'm not familiar with the spectre part you're refering to, but if it's what I think it is (just a breather with a tube coming out the side) you need a PCV valve (OEM is fine) installed (usually in the valve cover but not necessarily) so that the low pressure generated at the carb can "suck" fumes thru the valve. in the other valve cover (again, usually), you need a "breather" like what you mentioned you had already.
pictures of your set-up would help.