Made a decent snatch on Craigslist today. I got ALL of this for $50. Two bucket seats, center console, extra lid for the center console, trim pieces, seatbelts, extra gauge cluster, motor mounts, wiring harnesses, nuts and bolts, dog dish hub caps, tail gate (STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT! NO dents whatsoever on the top of the gate, AT ALL). Also got some 6x9 speaker brackets made by bigblock73 (I think).
I don't think I did too bad for $50. The springs in the seats are in great shape, as is the foam. I plan to get them re-upholstered in vinyl, maybe cloth, not sure. Probably do the same color with black piping. Should go well with my interior plans.
Aaaand...a random picture of me that my wife took while I was removing a swallows nest from above our front door. Don't call OSHA.