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Old 09-13-2011, 09:30 PM   #11
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Rattle Can or POR-15 firewall

If you plan on doing it properly later, then I would just scrub it clean, sand, and paint with some good spray bomb. To properly POR it, you'll be stripping it to bare metal, letting it surface rust or hitting it with some 80 grit on the bare metal, then POR'ing and then painting. That's a lot of work on a truck with nice paint on the outside, and every step of the prep you run the risk of damaging that nice paint.
If you POR over paint, it WILL peel off, period. This stuff is very picky as to what it will bite onto. But, if done properly, it is an awesome product.
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