454 Problems =(=(=(
Great site. Learned a lot in the last couple of hours.
But sadly I didnt find a answer to my problem.
Heres what is going on. I have a 85 C30 1ton with a 454.
The motor is bogging down under a load, back firing out the carb, and pipes.
I have replaced, The Rotor, Disp. PLug Wires,(didnt change plugs they where Tanish Smokey Grey if that makes sense) I have changed the timing the like was about a inch past the gauge(towards the pass. side of block/even side)
I moved it down to around 2degs as the gauge is unreadable.
This is all happening under a load. I can run the motor up to 3500+ rpms sitting still but as soon as I let out on the clutch thats it, back firing, no power,
I have ran some Sea Foam thru the Fuel System that didnt help.
I did get the pipes redone right before all this started(but it also had this problem before just was just happening when flooring the truck at highway speed)
I will be doing a vac test on it in the next day or so to see if that has anything to do with it.
PLease any help or ideas on this would be great, Ive been at this for weeks now trying to fix it, and Im ready to pull out a 30-06AP round and shoot it with a M1 =D lol
I dont know if this has anything to do with it. But my read lights on the bed/fenders are really really dim and I installed a tach to help work on this, the light comes on and the tach reads 0 till light goes back out(but I think thats cause I have it grounded into my trailer brake box) it was blowing fuses when the running lights where turned on.. Im thinking maybe it has a grounding problem?
Thanks a head of time.