speedo cable leaking?!?
Dumb question - Had no speedo cable connected to my T5 for a few weeks (just sitting in the garage anyway) and noticed a puddle of trans fluid underneath it. Installed a cable extender and even sealed it with thread sealant.
Now, after being gone for a week, I come back and find another puddle, still obviously coming from the speed cable connection. What the?
Should the speedo cable connection leak without any cable connected?
I KNOW it shouldn't leak WITH one connected, so, any idears??
Thanks all.
EDIT: Oh yeah 0 I guess this is another dumb question - are the cables the same size for the stock 3-speed and the T5? Both have the 7/8" coupling, but I'm talkin about the actual square cable fit. I noticed that when I connected my "new" extension to my "old" cable - it was a very tight fit - almost TOO tight... i.e. the square female adapter BARELY fit over the old stock square cable. The end of the adapter that plugged into the trans seemed to fit just fine. (maybe it was loose??) Also, noted that the actual fitting for the mech speedo hookup that is inserted into the trans moves about a little bit, and is restrained by the little hold-down that keeps it in place - but still can rotate it/move it in n out just a LITTLE bit - which I thought was ok. Should that sucker be REALLY tight in the trans? (I'm talkin about the speedo hookup in the trans, forget about the cable discussion for a second - the "connection" only is what I'm talkin about should it be real tight? I thought it was just kept in with an o-ring)
Last edited by jocko; 09-15-2011 at 08:32 PM.