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Old 09-16-2011, 04:34 AM   #69
Redneck Hillbilly
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Re: !965 Chevy C-10 Take 2: Project Tanya

I managed to get a little sanding work done on the hood yesterday. Man, I can't believe the P.O. would spray all that nesty primer over all this beautiful original paint. Hands down my favorite color for these trucks. I'll bet she had some really awesome patina from all the years she spent here in the high sierra desert, too bad that's lost now. Over the next few days I am going to try and get her all sanded down to her original color, and then shoot a fresh coat of a closely matching spray paint just she she is solid and protected while I am working on the body. When all the body work is done I will match the OE color as close as I can, and give her the proper painting she deserves. Here's how she sits after a couple hours work on the hood and grill surround (leaving my previous work in tact of course). Love this color!

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