Thread: 2 1961 chev's
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Old 09-17-2011, 04:35 PM   #1
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2 1961 chev's

well had to go look at 2 61 chevy's i seen online,had to wait for a trailer first though as these where roughly 1.5 hrs away and i wasn't going to go look at em without a trailer.......the one i currently have at home i think needs way to much work so it'll be parts only (cab corners,floor,rocker all need lots of work) the one i haven't got home yet looks like its in better shape(been under a tree for 10yrs,see pic lol)the guy thinks its a 265 motor that was running fine just needs to be hooked up again,was used as a homemade tow truck around his farm from his dad(i never did take pics of the home made lift part of it all made from old d shafts and a hand crank to lift em up,he's going to try to keep it if he can get it off......if it's still on when i get the truck,you bet it's staying on!hahaha.....welll heres some pics of the 2 not the greatest but......ohh the best part look at the hood ornament!! and i'm paying $200 each for them so $400 for 2 trucks
they both have the same hoods only 1 has the middle emblem though,and 1 has the custom steering wheel as you see front drivers tire is seized so didn't matter anyways
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