Ignition Key Lock
1986 C10 Silverado
Weird thing happened today, parked on an incline - when I came back out truck and key move fine and key turned fine...
however my windows wouldn't roll down, and my compressor to my tank for my bags blew a fuse, replaced the fuse...compressor came back on...no biggy I'll work on it later...pull into the gas station and the tumbler won't turn off...
Once I get home I spray a little wd-40 in and push the tumbler in towards the column and give a little force and it finally turns off.
Went to turn it back on, and the key seems to turn all the way - radio power comes on, parking brake light lights up, but no click, starter sound..nothing.
Any ideas? I've tried tilting the column up and down and no luck.
Any help is GREATLY appreciate...thanks
Last edited by chrohm; 09-17-2011 at 08:12 PM.