Frustrated: Talk me out of selling
I know I would regret it at some point, but I am SOOOOO frustrated with my truck. I had the on going issue with the starter and now it seems its a never ending issue. Its binding up again. The guy I sent it to, put an ACDelco starter on it and it started good (but never great) now its back to not starting at all. Ive had my truck back for over a year (after NOT having it for almost 3 while in the paint shop) and havent even put a hundred miles on it. Im afraid the fly wheel is chewed up from all the ill fitting starters thats been tried on it and with my new job, I dont have the time (or know how) to do anything with it, and I dont have the money to take it back to the mechanic. Im sick of paying insurance on a truck that wont even move out of its tracks. I know some of yall have been where I am. Encouragement or ideas please. Rant mode officially off.
"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates
'71 GMC Suburban 4x4