Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
^^ I'm with you. The first time I did a windshield, it bunched up on the ends and wouldn't seal right... kept leaking. That was with OEM windshield and LMC gasket. Second attempt was with a precision gasket and OEM windshield. The wife and I had it completely installed within 20 minutes, and I am not joking about the time. We had 1/4" nylon rope and installed the windshield dry, no lube anywhere.
We had such good luck with the windshield, that we decided to do the back window right after. No problems, and we even used an LMC gasket for the back. A very thin bead of clear sealant around the edges and no leaks so far. And I live in rainy washington.