edelbrock vs quadrajet carb
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09-20-2011, 10:03 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Modesto, CA
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Re: edelbrock vs quadrajet carb
Another vote for a clean well built 750CFM Q-Jet. Edelbrock use to make a Q-jet. I ran the 1901 Edelbrock Q-Jet for 10yrs off and on road.
One cool trick I used to help with the bumpy offroad slosh or splashing of fuel was to add a 3" peice of fuel line to the bowl vent tube at the top of the carb. Basically extending the vent tube another 3" keeps fuel from spitting out into the primarys wile offroad
1972 K5 MPFI454/Sm465/Np205/D60/14FFd/Re-Centerd H1s w/Swamper Iroks
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