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Old 09-20-2011, 10:52 AM   #3
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Posts: 83
Re: Racerx's 72 C20 to C10 Build Thread

That was an easy decision.
I sent it off to the body shop, Green-Tech in Denver. Those guys seem to be pretty knowledgable, they had a ghostbusters hearse they were redoing, an a 54 Ford or Chevy, can't recall that was being completely restored. My total cost for both cab corners, drivers floor pan, cab support, inner and outer rocker, filled in gas filler hole, passender side patches for rust, etc will be about $3,000. After seeing some of the work they've done, I'm pretty confident the work will be done well.

I'll try and swing by there in the next few weeks and grab some photos.

In the meantime I grabbed the wire wheel and some primer / enamel and went to work on the pieces I'm keeping.

Placed my first order with LMC Truck yesterday also: I'm replacing everything that isn't in great condition.
Here's what I've grabbed so far, the cheap bits. New bolts for the fenders, new screws for the regulators, new washers for the window regulators, the firewall fasteners, headlight retainer bezel and screws, new adjuster screws, new window and door interior handles, and a set of chrome door sill plates. I grabbed a ring removal tool for the door handles.
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