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Old 09-20-2011, 10:55 AM   #4
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Re: Racerx's 72 C20 to C10 Build Thread

This weekend (if schedules allow) I'm grabbing a 12 bolt 3:73 rear end out of a 71 suburban. It has 5 lugs and disc brakes. Lolife convinced me to just grab the ECE 3/4 to 1/2 conversion drop spindles for the front, so I'll be 5 lug disc, 1/2 ton all the way around, with the exception of the Lower A Arms and Ball joints.

When the truck is back from the body shop, I've got a guy down the street from me that has (according to im) chopped many a truck frame. He's asking a pretty reasonable dollar amount to chop the frame down to shortbed. He wants to cut it behind the cab, I'm not sure where would be best, most threads I've seen have been cut UNDER the cab.

I'm going to have him notch the frame as well so I can achieve 5 inch drop in the rear.
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