Thread: battery cable ?
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Old 09-22-2011, 05:34 PM   #21
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Re: battery cable ?

Nova source almost has it right. The excess resistance in the purple wire going to the "S" terminal is caused by heat, resistance limits current flow (it does not increase it) when you limit current flow, yes you get a voltage drop which causes more heat and further increases resistance which produces more heat etc etc this is known as thermal runaway.

81ratrodc10 your hot start does the solenoid click?

If yes, the remote solenoid wont help because the pull in windings are already getting enough current to engage.

If no, you could benefit from the remote solenoid provided the cables are good.

72lb4x4 Chances are its getting hot at one end, which means the connection is resistive. The resistive connection is acting like a heating element and getting hot.

If you find the cable is only getting hot at one end, clean the connection by unbolting it and wire brushing. If that doesn't make it stop getting hot, chances are the cable connection is bad. Replace the cable.
As 72lb4x4 states above if the cable is getting hot in one area, that's where the excess resistance is dropping voltage. We use the term voltage drop but you can never just lose energy that's why it gets hot the energy is not lost but instead it is converted into heat. The best way to test your battery cables is by doing a voltage drop test.

Once you ensure that your starter circuit is tip top then you can move onto if the no start condition is ignition or fuel related.

The video below shows how a voltage drop test can be used to troubleshoot the starter circuit. Notice in the video when the solenoid clicks it drops over 11.5 volts that's what I meant when I said if the solenoid clicks the remote solenoid wont help because if the solenoid doesn't click you cant have a voltage drop on the cable.

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