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Old 09-23-2011, 06:39 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 11
too many questions, too few answers

OK, for years I have dreamed about the day I am would be the owner of a 1971 K5 Blazer. It finally came true! Although she is not in the best of shape, she is runner and just needs some TLC to shake off some of the rust. I have been saving for quite a while now so I am ready to spend some $...and get a little dirty.

But first, I have many questions. And since I'm not a mechanic or autobody person they will probaby sound trivial at best.
Since I am going to start my renovation process by replacing rusted panels/fenders, etc here is my 1st question:
1.) Instead of buying several different pieces to replace the entire CAB FLOOR, can I purchase a CAB FLOOR: Full Assembly that in a catalog is listed fro a Chevy/GMC Pickup: 67-72 ??

The catalog does not list a cab floor full assembly for the Blazer. But to me the picture in the catalog makes the pickup cab floor look like it would fit.
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