Originally Posted by Burt4x4
Bump just means he is "bumping" your thread to the top of the list of threads..most likely he is looking for the same answers as you are.
I have a 454 in my K5. I installed it in the stock location and I converted my manual linkage to Hydro when I did the swap.
With my 350 I had manual linkage and ran Hedmen Elite series headers, I had to move the Z-bar just about 1" on the frame side of the Z-bar. On top of my frame was the Z-bar mount bracket. I drilled a hole in the bracket and re-mounted the Zbar end about 1" towards the firewall and that alowed the heades to fit and the Z-bar still worked..thoes ball mount ends pivot well.
Anyway don't know it this helps with a BBC..?
Sorry for getting back sooner yes that will help i have my engine back out and was getting read to install a turbo 400 i willl look at your sugestion and possible do that cuz i would rather keep the origianal 4 spd in itthanks. oh who did you get the hydro clutch from and what mods did you have to do