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Old 09-23-2011, 08:53 PM   #13
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Re: Wiring Disaster-Please Help

No need to be specific as to where the grounds go as long as they complete a loop to the negative battery terminal.

As for measuring the ground, it will be somewhat difficult since these trucks use the frame, cab, engine as a source as -mentioned previously.

Here's what I did:

Made sure I had a new ground cable from the battery to the engine. These can go bad at the battery post connector and you won't be able to see it. Then I got some ground straps at the local auto parts stores.

1. Placed a strap from rear bed support to the frame. Doesn't matter where but you may have to drill some holes on the frame and bed support. I used self tapping bolts and sheet metal screws.

2. Placed another under the cab to the frame.

3. Made sure I had a nice clean connection on the one in the rear of the engine to the cab.

4. I added an additional one from the radiator support to the battery negative post. Didn't trust the old bolts.
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