Thread: driveshaft?
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Old 09-24-2011, 03:21 PM   #11
turp mcspray
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Re: driveshaft?

At the time I was building my blazer for rockcrawling. I installed a 6" lift and needed a longer rear driveshaft. I figured I would upgrade to 1 ton cv joint and slip yoke. I am self employed, so time spent scouring the driveshaft pile, trying to find something to modify for my application wasn't cost effective. I can spend that time working, and make enough to have one made to my specs. If I was making $10 an hour, it would be a different story. Bottom line is I needed a custom driveshaft, and although rummaging around the junkyard is fun, my time is too valuable to me to go that route.
I didn't have any vibration problems. If your driveshaft is straight, and your u-joints good, I would be looking at your driveshaft angles. If the angles aren't right, a new driveshaft will still vibrate.
Turp Mcspray
New life for an old 2wd, farm blazer
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