If this needs to be moved, I understand, but I thought I would try here first. More eyes, etc.
I traded my '87 Scottsdale V10
for an '86 GMC K20.
When we made the trade, I found out the '86 started life as a diesel pickup and had been converted years ago. The motor was blown, so I put a new one in. I'm almost done, but finding a radiator hose that works with the 1.75" radiator and the 1.25" radiator hose has turned into a nightmare. The original owner, who did the conversion had it rigged pretty good, and I am amazed it held up over the years but that setup is old and tired. I would prefer to do it a well as possible so that when I sell it, someone isn't talking about me rigging it.
For those of you with converted trucks, what did you do to get around this?