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Old 10-01-2011, 06:23 PM   #7
Conversion Truck Addicted
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Re: The Shop Truck "Little Heartbeat"

A Change of planes

The Frame is very good condition and the running gear is too got posi in the rear too

I allready trades most of the 70s round eye parts away for better looking quad headlights 85 stuff like i wanted earlyer

we have re shaped he roof a little so the doors are now mounted and can be opened and closed but they bind allittle

Temperary windshield and rear window of acrylic glass
new brake lines and i will rebuild master cylinder and calibers

and looking for somekind of engine and gearbox to thrown in it

this will be a beater shop truck and will be used to plow the driveway and wont really leave the property

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Tonight mine pulled a few cars out of snowbanks, and is sitting in my driveway, icicles on the grille, wheels just white cakes of snow, buried up to the lug nuts in powder, straps and chains wrapped around the bumpers, the outline of the wipers clear in 4 inches of snow on the windshield... A tired warrior of the 1980s in a world of low profile tires, front wheel drive, and plastic bumpers, where people stay in their houses until snowplows move the offending substance from their paths, too helpless to travel without AAA and chains and salt, clearing their windows with longhandled brushes while gently stepping around in the snow trying to stay nice and dry.
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