Originally Posted by WorkinLonghorn
I used to think this way until I learned the hard way that the correct amount of "antifreeze" actually prevents internal RUST and serves to lubricate the water pump (not to mention reducing boiling). WLH
Ditto. It's not just rust either. Antifreeze prevents corrosion and scale from building up in the entire cooling system. If you have an aluminum intake/heads you will have electrolysis at work as well. It won't take long for your intake to be severely pitted. Even if you don;t there are still dissimilar metals in the cooling system. Antifreeze is for much more than just freeze prevention. Keep running straight water too long and you will be replacing freeze plugs as well as many other cooling system components. Just ask anyone with an open cooling system on a boat. There should be plenty of those close to you 67 sub with the jet boat crowd out there in CA. I've even seen boat blocks rust completely through the water jacket from the inside out.