Thread: WA 69 3sp OD trans
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Old 10-02-2011, 12:13 PM   #19
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Re: 69 3sp OD trans

Hotfun, as you can see in the top part of the thread, I put I am interested if you can ship, at that time he was not shipping. Then he said he would ship a few days later, after he get the trans pulled. Yes, I have bought 4 standard transmissions over the years and I know what it cost to ship them. Plus I listed my zip code for price quote if he decided to ship. Plus its kinda hard to send payment, when you don't have price for shipping.

Anyway, I am not going to make a big deal out of this. Whatever he decides or admin decides is fine with me.

I just need to know shipping cost before i pull the trigger. I have been in one of these situation before when shipping should have only been 85 - 100$ and the guy wanted 375$ for shipping. So thats what i need to know.

Have a great day.
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