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Old 10-07-2011, 02:33 PM   #38
A.T. RockDriller
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Re: Whats under your hood?

The '63 had a 305E BB V-6 from the factory....Odd enough.
I found a 351E out of a 67 GMC....and that's what I've got goin' on under there now.
Almost done with the "quick" swap....
I guess I don't have to get a whole lot more "unique" as far as the power plant.
I did modify the intake to handle a 4bbl Q-Jet....a few other mods...HEI, dual 2.5" exhaust....
When I grow up....I'm thinkin I'd like to boost this thing....Remote mount, blow through.
It just seems right.
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Les Hunter
'59 3803 someday to be 3853
'63 GMC K1000...351E, TH400 Daily
'66 GMC 4000...351C, 5&2
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