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Old 10-08-2011, 01:12 PM   #986
Big J
Its lookin' like a Blazer!
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Re: "Slowly but Surely" Big J's build thread...

I've been puttin' around in the blazer this summer, good times. I noticed a vibration in the rearend. Turns out the yoke has worn out cup that the ujoint sits in. I can slide the driveshaft up and down in the yoke, pretty sure thats whats causing the vibration. So I will be replacing the yoke in the next week or so.
I entered the blazer in a car show last weekend. My wife came with, we had a good time. Placed in the top 20 of the show and yes there were more then 20 in the show. It was out of a 100 or so. Heres some pics.


My Build

Last edited by Big J; 10-08-2011 at 10:31 PM.
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