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Old 08-18-2003, 02:28 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
Anyone ever had a panel sandblasted? How'd it turn out?

I was thinking..instead of taking the time to hand-sand all the metal on my truck. I was just going to take the panels off and then take them down and have them all sand blasted (this is prior to having it professionally painted) Have any of you guys ever done any sandblasting, instead of hand-sanding? Also, maybe what's the price of doing that kinda thing?
I would have basically every part of the truck sandblasted, EXCEPT the inside of the bed (because I"m gonna have a friend who works for LineX hook me up with a Spray-On bedliner.)
(Doors, Front Fenders, Hood, Cab{everything minus the firewall}, Bed sides and front)
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