As I recall from the Marines, when I had to get checked out on Commercial Utility Vehicles at MCAS Cherry Point in 1974 -- It was in a gray '67 C/10 stepside with 250 L6 and 3 on the tree. Just the "stolen-from -the-Navy" Gray and 1" or 2" black lettering on the door:
For Official Use Only [1"]
The big white star was a WWII thing for air recognition.
Another variant was MarCor dark forest green with yellow letters. There were also some code numbers and letters on the bumpers that only a motor pool guy would know meant. Also vehicles that were allowed on the flight line had white 2" reflective 3M tape striped vertically or diagonally on the bumpers just outboard of the mounting bolts. And a white license plate "U.S. Government Property" w/ numbers.
The corporal who checked me out *****ed at me for down shifting around a corner. He called me a "Damn hot rodder!." But I got my card. lol.