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Old 10-10-2011, 12:18 AM   #28
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Eliot, Maine
Posts: 1,314
Re: New to site and suburban life.

i fixed my previous post. 54 vs 60mph, not 8.

until i get the gas sender fixed i'm stuck using the odometer to figure out miles on a tank of gas so i needed it back on proper calibration. i figure at 14mpg x 20 gallons is about a 300 mile range. so i start looking for a gas station at about 250 miles or sooner if is convenient or the truck is going to sit for awhile (have it filled up for the next road trip, etc). i also want to keep the odo correct for the sake of original mileage (currently 77,000 and change)

i keep a record book in the glove box of all my cars. left side is gas fill ups (date, miles, (F) if it is a fill up so i can figure mileage, $, etc) and the right side side pages are for recording all repairs and upgrades (again w/ date, mileage, $, etc). i can look back and see when maintenance needs to be done (or wonder why something wore out quickly). it's a habit i picked up from my dad and grandfather.
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