Thread: Flip Omega
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Old 10-10-2011, 12:21 AM   #21
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Re: Flip Omega

Spent way too much time on the rear of the car today. Was fun but it did not help get the tranny pulled. Down to having to buy some whobbly extentions to get the last bolt from the bellhousing then its close to dropping.
Still have cooler lines and linkage to free up. I've decided to buck up and have the trans rebuild. I think its best as I have so much else going on.

Not sure how yet but I will trim the inner bumper way down because it weighs a bunch. I'll also pull the bumper in and probably cut a slice out of each eand and a little from the middle so I can lose the plastic filler pieces.
Might weld in a couple corners to run the Omega lights w/o the plastic rear filler. I think it will clean it up and have a OEM look still.
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