Thread: Vintage Air $$$
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Old 08-18-2003, 12:12 PM   #6
Mike Culpepper
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Llano... Texas Hill Country
Posts: 448
My V.A system(shure fit), was $950 total, plus a fee for charging it=$1000. I can't believe anyone could sell the same thing for $320? I guess you can buy the parts of the system indidually, but I'm not sure you can mix and match V,A, parts with OEM parts if thats what you're thinking about. I know V,A doesn't warranty for very long (if at all) unless you buy the whole enchalada-package).
I went with 134a on the advice of the dealer. He said it blows plenty cold enough with 134a and he was right.
'72 Cheyenne LWB 350/350

"The sun don't shine on the same dog's ass all the time." - Catfish Hunter (commenting on why he was not able to pitch another perfect game).

Last edited by Mike Culpepper; 08-18-2003 at 12:20 PM.
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