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Old 10-12-2011, 08:42 AM   #6
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Re: TF ignition switch ???

Truck Nut,
I apologize, after re-reading my post, I believe I told you wrong, I actually had to do a couple of things. First, I did use a strap wrench on mine, I guess the threads were a little messed up or something and I didn't have a tap/die set for it but once I got it screwed on, it was nice and easy.

the other part of the story is this. I also purchased a new key mechanism as well and the 'face' of if must have been slightly larger than my old one because the retainer nut wouldn't go over it.

Therefore, I used a paperclip to remove the tumbler mechanism, installed the switch in the dash, screwed on the retainer nut and when everything was nice and tight and aligned, I installed the tumbler back into the ignition switch.

Not sure why I had to do all of that, perhaps it is because of using different parts or using 're-pops' but it's working fine and the fit and finish is good too. Might not be an issue for you if you're using your original tumbler as mine seemed to work well with the ret. nut but the face was dinged up pretty bad so I replaced it.

BTW, all of these parts (except ret. nut) were available thru either PepBz or Orileys; even the plastic plug for the back of the ign switch! I kept the boxes for everything so I've got the PNs at the house.

PM me if you run into trouble or need more info.
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