Welcome Nathan!
When you say:
When the Engine gets warmed up, the carb stays completely closed and the engine dies and will not start back up.
Am I correct in assuming you're talking about the choke staying completely closed?
If that's the case, you'll have to see what's keeping the choke from opening as the engine warms up. I think the factory setup for 74 was a divorced choke with a thermostatic coil mounted on the intake manifold crossover and connected to the carb with a short linkage rod. Make sure it's not missing any pieces and that the linkage moves freely.
Once you get the choke working properly, the Quadrajet carbs have two idle speed screws. The curb idle speed screw you mentioned only comes into play once the choke has fully opened. There's also a fast idle speed screw (in a somewhat hidden location on the passenger side near the choke linkage) that sets the idle speed when the choke is not fully open. This is the screw you'll need to adjust to bring down that "way too high" idle when the engine is cold.